CEEPUS Network
The new coordinator of CEEPUS_CESEENet (starting from October 2021)
is Assoc. Prof. Vinko Zaninovic, vinko.zaninovic@efri.uniri.hr from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka.
CIII-AT-1301-02-1920 - CESEENet
Central, East and South-East European PhD Network in Management and Economics
Mobility application
For questions regarding mobility application please contact the responsible person for CEEPUS in the participating University or from your National CEEPUS Office (see here).
In addition, Marko Donadić (marko.donadic@efri.hr) form EFRI CEEPUS office will support you if problems arise that cannot be solved by the contact person from your University or the National CEEPUS Office.